MacWorld 1998 February
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MacChess 4.0 EN (PPC)
~New in MacChess 4.0
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New in MacChess 4.0 Rotterdam December 1997
First, a special "thank you" to Richard A. Fowell.
He helped test MacChess 4.0 and proofread my English.
Special thanks also to everyone that gave me support and advice by
sending me postcards and email.
====== NEW FEATURES ======
1. Save Game As (File menu) "Save" now overwrites file!
2. Player Name (Option menu) Enter and/or save player name.
3. Next Best Move (Option menu) Not just "2nd best" now.
4. Analyze Game (Analyses menu) Annotates an entire game
5. Analyze Player vs Player (Analyses menu) Displays analysis as you move
6. Works in the background
7. Copy and Paste:
- PGN game ( when the Moves window is active. )
- EPD position ( when the Board window is active. )
- Principal variation ( when the PV window is active. )
8. Changed the import PGN window so that you can choose several games
out of a game file without reading the all the games every time again.
9. Player names from imported PGN games are displayed above the board.
10. More knowledge of simple endings was added to the chess engine.
11. ECO codes are now displayed as will as opening names.
12. Added nearly 8,000 moves to the opening book.
13. MacChess web site created by Richard A. Fowell
====== FIXED PROBLEMS ======
1. Easy Level settings are now:
- Saved with the game.
- Saved with the "Save Level Settings" option from the "Level" menu.
2. A saved game as Player vs Player will be loaded as Player vs Player.
3. Play command[G]: (Players menu) Now this also works in the
Player vs Player mode.
4. Can make a move after closing a window. With MacChess 3.0 it was not
possible to make a move after a window was closed. This could be
fixed by clicking on a non-board window, then clicking on the board
window again.
====== SAVE GAME AS ====== ( Important Change! "Save Game" now overwrites!)
The "Save Game" command in MacChess 2.5/3.0 always prompted for a file name -
it really was a "Save Game As" command. This was nonstandard, and awkward
when using Macchess to track postal games. If you load a MacChess game into
MacChess 4.0, make some moves, then select "Save Game", you will not be
prompted - the current game will overwrite the game you loaded.
It is very important that you understand this, because if you are used to
the old behavior, you may overwrite a game that you did not want changed!
*** If you want to save to a new file, ***
*** you must use the new "Save Game As" command. ***
====== PLAYER NAME ======
The "Player Name ..." command in the Option menu lets you fill in
and save a player's name. The first eight letters of that name will
be replace the default text string "Player" as MacChess's opponent.
====== NEXT BEST MOVE ======
The "Next Best Move" in MacChess 3.0 was really only "Second Best Move" -
no matter how many times you invoked it, only one move was excluded
from the candidate move list.
The "Next Best Move" command from the Option menu now excludes another
move from the candidate move list each time it is used, until no moves
are left.
====== ANALYZE GAME ======
The "Analyze Game" command in the Analyses menu analyzes a specified
range of moves in a game for a specified number of seconds per move
for the white moves, black moves, or both.
The results are saved in a file. This is an excellent way to have
MacChess annotate one of your tournament games overnight.
The "Analyze Player vs Player" command in the Analyses menu puts
MacChess in the "Player vs Player" mode and activates the search engine.
So you can view the search output while playing the moves yourself.
This is a good way to play over a move from a book while getting
a continuous analysis from MacChess.
Currently, you must make the moves by hand - you cannot use this
feature to have MacChess analyze while using the "VCR buttons" to play
through an existing game.
Now MacChess continues analyzing when you put it in the background.
This lets you use your computer for other tasks while MacChess is
doing a long analysis like "Analyze Game".
However, this can slow down your other work considerably!
If you want MacChess to stay open in the background, but do not want
it to think, make sure MacChess is in "Player vs. Player" mode,
with "Analyze Player vs Player" off before sending MacChess to the back.
====== COPY AND PASTE ======
The "Copy" and "Paste" options in the "Edit Menu" can now used by
MacChess in a restricted way for:
- PGN games
- EPD positions
- Principal Variation (PV)
as follows:
- A PGN game is copied/pasted by making the Moves window active. Then
- Copy: copies from the "Moves" window to the Clipboard.
- Paste: pastes from the Clipboard to the "Moves" window
- An EPD position is copied/pasted by making the Board window active. Then
- Copy: copies from the "Board" window to the Clipboard
- Paste: pastes from the "Clipboard" to the "Board" window
- A principal variation (PV) is copied by making the PV window active. Then
- Copy: copies the principal variation as one text line to the Clipboard.
====== IMPORT PGN ======
The import PGN window was changed so you can view several games from a PGN
file without reloading the PGN file each time.
The import PGN window is sent to the back after a PGN game is chosen.
To view another game from the same PGN file:
- click on the Import PGN window to bring it to the front
- select another game from the window.
To open a new PGN file
- click on the Import PGN window to bring it to the front
- close the Import PGN window
- use the "Import PGN" menu item to read in a new PGN file.
Another new feature is that the names of the players from a imported
PGN game are displayed in the Board window bar.
====== END GAME KNOWLEDGE ======
I've added some simple endgame knowledge to the search engine.
It is far from complete but the method can be used
to add much more detailed endgame knowledge in the future.
(Thanks to Walter Ravenek, author of Arthur, who shared his ideas with me)
The knowledge of draw, win or loss are added for some end game positions
with the following pieces.
- K-K
- KP-K
- K-KP
- KR-K
- KQ-K
- K-KR
- K-KQ
====== OPENING BOOK ======
ECO codes were added to the existing opening names in the MacChess
opening book. The sub-variations are far from complete
but will be expanded in the future.
I added nearly 8,000 moves to the opening book - now 54,045 moves.
====== MACCHESS WEB SITE ======
There is a MacChess Web site, designed by Richard A. Fowell, at:
Wim van Beusekom.